Monday, April 26, 2010

Important Announcements:

April 26, 2010

SWOM is now Beta Testing Open University - Open university is a great way of probing the Swom community for marketing data. I recently asked the questions "Have you ever been a Victim of Indentity Theft" and I got loads of great feed back. If you have a question regarding your product or services this is a great tool.

Magic Power Coffee to increase commission -
May 1, 2010 is when Magic Power Coffee's new pricing structure goes into place. This means there are only 3 days left to get a basic membership at $10 and a power assoicate membership at $160 The commission matrix will double for all power associates when the new changes go into place.

Prepaid Legal Promotion Ends April 30 -
The short cut to Director Promotion ends April 30. The shortcut reduced the number of assoicates need to become a Director. Also the fast start price reduction is scheduled to end that day also. So now is the time to lock in dollar savings and time by become an associate today.

Please pass it on

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

'SimplyToEmpower- Unlimited Potential is YOURS; Prayer Brunch'

Sunday, April 11, 2010

CAUTION: Hot beverage!
This product is HOT! Really, really HOT!

Magic Power Coffee is the world’s first aphrodisiac coffee.

It works on men and women. It works before, during and after your sexual experience.
And it’s available RIGHT NOW... FOR YOU... FOR FREE!
You owe it to yourself (and to your partner) to try this product.
You won’t be disappointed!

So, if you want to get this amazing product for FREE...
You’ve got to enroll in Magic Power Coffee and start promoting it to others.
Enroll just 4 people and your product (12 packets every month) is free!
Don’t worry, we’ll help you.
And when the people you enroll start enrolling people, you can even make a profit.
(A big profit!)

You can make money, get a tax write-off and have more romance in the bedroom.
What’s not to like about that, ?
Please your partner and your accountant... enroll in Magic Power Coffee today!

Click Here to JOIN

Magic Power Coffee is the hottest consumer product available today.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dana Neal ask Can I get your prayers everyone, my book signing is at 2:00 pm today(4/10)? Thanks in advance.
Can I get your prayers everyone, my book signing is at 2:00 pm today(4/10)? Thanks in advance.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Resurrection Day. He has Risen. Our Saviour Lives.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Truly Rapidly Receive Results In Under Two Minutes call (951) 262-2640 ext 2 Now

Before you were born, God saw you, and He endowed you with gifts and talents uniquely designed for you. He's given you ideas and creativity, as well as specific areas in whcih you can excel.

Why, then, do so many people today feel unfilfilled in their lives, merely going to work at some mundane job, trying to earn a living, stuck in a career they don't even like? The answer is simple: They are not pursuing the dreams and desires God has placed within their hearts.

If we aer not moving towars our God-given destiny, tension and dissatisfaction will always exist in our inner being. It won't go away
with time; it will be there as long as you live. I can't think of anything more tragic than to come to the end of life on earth and realize that you have not really "lived," that you have not become what God created you to be. You simply endured an average, mediocre life. You got by, but you lived without passion and enthusiasm, allowing your inner potential to lie dormant and untapped.

Excerpt From Become a Better You 7 Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day by Joel Osteen

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Truly Rapidly Receive Results In Under Two Minutes call (951) 262-2640 ext 2 Now