Friday, June 20, 2008
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Summer Camp For Male Inner City Youth
Dear Family and Friends:
Organizing for Unity and Respecting Self (O.U.R.S.) a non-profit organization and Elevated Places, Incorporated would like to thank you for your previous support. To remind you, Elevated Places and O.U.R.S. are social service agencies serving the needs of families of the community.
In collaboration this year we will host our 2nd Annual Overnight Leadership Academy and Manhood Training Camp in Bronwood, Georgia, June 25, 2008 to July 25, 2008. We will train ten young boys from New Jersey. This will be a journey of a life time because some of the youth have never been out of the inner-city.
We ask that you assist us by donating monetary and in-kind donations. O.U.R.S. and Elevated Places estimate cost at $20,000 for four weeks; transportation, room, and board etc. Please note all donations are tax deductible.
Participating students are enrolled in courses where instructors will use a structured manhood training and leadership development curriculum. The Academy will visit a near by farm where students will receive lessons in the field of agriculture. There will also be other activities such as horseback riding, boating and fishing. This will be a great opportunity to assist young men in their transition to manhood.
Please remember no donation is too small or large and please pass this on to your friends and family.
If you require additional information or would like to contact us please do so at:
Donate from your computer today:
You can mail checks to:
P.O. Box 4383
Jersey City, NJ 07304.
Thank you in advance for your support.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Blogging paying off for a few -- --
"By the end of 2009, Busch is targeting annual revenue of $1 million from his blog-based business, which also includes a Web site, podcasts, Webinars and speaking engagements, he said. That figure is on top of the consulting revenue he generates from Azul Partners, a strategy and marketing consultancy." Ann Myer, special to the Chicago Tribune.
More proof, that a Million Dollars is Modest Goal for the Challenge. Get involved, register and submit auditions.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Big Dreams - Massive Speed Bugatti Veyron
The Bugatti Veyron courtesy of Ride Story . I'm getting pumped up by the minute about what the Million Dollar Challenge has in store. I'm anticipating the audition videos,audios, and webpages that are going to be submitted. Most importantly I'm excited about the Prizes.
Thanks to the AB Blog Pack ran across this video which captured the Spirit of the Challenge. Going faster than anyone else. The thing is that with each success that is achieved other are encouraged to strive hard and do better. The full story about the car can be found at Ride Story
Overcome ALL ODDs register now for the Million Dollar Challenge
Catch The Cure - Twitter Come through again
Just a few days away from the Open Audition Clarence clears the wreckage from his present. Overcome
any obstacle Thank You
Thursday, May 1, 2008
The Next Internet Millionaire Preview
A Million Dollars!!! A T Harv special trained student once told me that the reason why he titled his book The Secrets To The Millionaire Mind, was that there was something magnetic about becoming a millionaire. The first season was Awesome I learn so much from just watching. Now its time to put the learning into action and register
Monday, April 28, 2008
Verify The Results - The Only Losers
There is a reward of stupendous proportions if you put the Key to use. It is the satisfaction that comes from all who conquer self and force Life to pay whatever is asked.
The reward is worthy of your effort. Will you make the start and be convinced? - Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
This is going to be a very unique experience. This is where the participants are able to take home all their winnings regardless of the outcome. Say WHAT?!?
Get with the challenge
Sunday, April 27, 2008
How to Dial a Rotary Telephone
We are getting closer to the Start Date. Registrations are on the rise. We put this video here because it's symbolic.
What we take for granted today was once new and exciting. This is some of the energy we are capturing with the Million Dollar Challenge. Let all your friends know. This is going to be hot.
register today
Monday, April 21, 2008
Yochai Benkler: Open-source economics
The Basic Economic Principal That Will make the Million Dollar Challenge Succeed. Are you ready? Get registered
Sunday, April 20, 2008
May 26th 2008 The Million Dollar Challenge Begins
What is your belief level? What is your skill level? How much desire do you have?
Reserve Your Spot Today. Get Your Million Dollar Ticket