Saturday, March 13, 2010

Had I know it was going to be this easy to make $300 a day I would have left the job sooner. Here's the audio to here what I'm talking about. The video link is

I'm really excited about the Learning Annex's Internet Marketing Expo Tommorrow in New York. They are going to be talking about the lastest in Social Media and Internet Marketing.

I've got to get up extra early the doors open at 8 am. To top it off, it's the end of Day Light saving time so the clock goes forward an hour. Some of you may wonder how do you remember
which way the clocks goes. It's really simple. Spring Forward and Fall Back. That's what my father taught me.

The Magic Power Coffee Samples are going rapidly. I'll have to reorder more soon so do make sure you put in your order for a sample now and become a part of our new social networking site

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