Sunday, May 2, 2010

Happy First Sunday

We've become so quick to sue that you can wind up in court when you're just minding your own business. Consider this:

Eleven-year-old Lauren was rollerblading in front of her own New Jersey home when she was hit by an adult neighbor on a bicycle. Then the neighbor hit her with a lawsuit...For four years. When the cast finally wen to court, a jury deliberated for just 15 minuets before finding in their favor. Most people couldn't have afforded the legal fees to fight that long for their principles.

The Chamber estimates that the U.S. civil justice system costs the average American family more than $3,300 a year, and that small businesses pay $98 billion annually in tort costs.

- Success From Home June 2010.

If you are in the US or in Canada, it is time to really consider carefully wether or not you want to have your business and family for life event legal issues. Besides that there is the increasing crime of identity theft. It was once told me that a wise person learns from the misfortunes of others. protect your assets and help others to do the same.

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