Monday, June 28, 2010

The EX Daily Word for June 28, 2010

"The World May Love You, But God Doesn't Know You!"

Luke 16:15 - 'Then Jesus said to them, ³You like to look good in public, but
God knows your evil hearts. What this world honors is an abomination in the
sight of God.' NLT

The church, the bible, and our Christianity is nothing to play with. Some
things are just not funny. And the reason being, is that we must keep the
church, the word, and the leaders of the church in a position to change the
world. Sure, we as Christians can enjoy fun in the church and even have a
good laugh about certain things that may occur, but the world should never
be encouraged by us to joke about sin, repentance, and unrighteousness.
It's not funny when people are really going to hell. The act of Jesus on
the cross and his sacrifice was sacred and not a play thing. He really died
and was really in pain. Nothing funny there! Movies and comedians that joke
about the church and about the plan of God should not be entertained. If
they have not made a commitment to God, then why are we inviting them to
preside over our Christian functions? Why are we, as believers, racing to
their movies that make fun of the very plan that could change their lives?
If an actor portrays a Christian, but doesn't want to really be one, then
why do we find that entertaining? That should make a true believer upset!

Back in my younger days, I would get really upset when people would mock or
imitate my daddy. I would get mad when they would talk about him and the
way he was raising us. It would really make me upset because I respected
and loved him. Well, why do we laugh and joke with people that make fun of
God, our church, and salvation period? Why are comedians like Steve Harvey
invited to preside over our Christians functions and he promotes sin, talks
sinful, and jokes about not living as a Christian? And what about the
secular recording artists? They make music that is sinful, they dress
sexual, and they promote sin in everyway, but if they record a gospel song
we support them like they are in the Kingdom now? What are the youth of
America thinking about Kanye West or R. kelly who sells sex, but is now being
played on all the gospel stations across America? But get ready
believers. We are going to see more and more of this. Every major
Christian function is gonna require a godless, sinful artist, comedian, or
actor because the devil wants to show us how impotent our Christian
gatherings are. He wants us to embrace his people and allow them to preside
over the things of God. You see, if the comedian, the actor, or the
entertainer can sit through our concerts, services, or Christian functions
and never desire to be like us, then what does that say about us? Keep your
eyes open. An even greater deception is coming before the end!

Suggested Reading: 1John 2:15, Matt. 12:30, 1Cor. 10:20, Eph. 5:11

© 2010 G. Craige Works All Rights Reserved

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